Wraparound Care
Contact Us
For all enquiries, please email: cherrygardenwraparoundcare@cset.co.uk
What We Do

Before School

We love to get the day off to a great start with our early morning Breakfast Club. We are open from 7:30am. and make sure children are dropped off safely to their classrooms. We offer a variety of breakfast options (included in the session charge) along with activities, craft and games.


After School

Our busy and fun-filled Afternoon Club offers a chance for friends to stay and play, do their homework if they wish, relax or burn off some excess energy outside in the playground. We collect children directly from their classrooms and are open until 6pm. An afternoon snack is provided



Our Terms & Conditions

The Club’s biggest priority is the safety of children, and that they feel safe, comfortable and have lots of fun!

This can only be achieved by having clear and succinct policies and procedures in place which staff and parents/ carers alike are aware of and adhere to

CSET reviews policies on an annual basis; unless a direct need to review and amend them occurs outside of this time-frame.

Before agreeing the Club’s terms and conditions through our online registration process, it is really important that this information has been read and understood which are attached here for everyone’s reference.


Book & Pricing

The Club has an online system for parents/ carers to register their details and request the permanent term-time sessions or Holiday Club places at our other Primary Schools

Please click here to begin the registration process

Please note:

  • Annual Registration Fee - £25 for first child, £20 for each sibling
  • Before School Session - £4.50 per child, per session (7:30am to 8:45am)
  • After School Session - £9.75 per child, person (3:15pm to 6pm)
  • Holiday Club - £25 per child, per full day (7:30am - 6pm) and £18 per child, per school day (8:45am to 3:30pm)
  • By completing the registration process, you are bound to accept the rules of the Club and the terms and conditions as set out in our Policies and Procedures
  • Once registered with the Club, permanent sessions and individual Holiday Club places can be requested through the system These are requests only until such time as the Club has been in touch to confirm whether it can be accommodated or not
  • Once permanent places are confirmed, the Club’s four week cancellation period is then in place for any changes or cancellations
  • Sessions will carry over into each new academic year until notice to cancel or amend sessions is received within our notice period
  • One off or ad-hoc session requests can be requested by getting in touch with us directly
  • There is an annual registration fee payable each September (or when first registering with the Club and permanent sessions are confirmed)
  • Fees are payable on a monthly basis with payment being made by bank transfer or childcare vouchers
  • Children’s continued attendance is dependent upon continued payment of fees in line with the Club’s payment terms
  • Sessions not attended remain fully payable
  • Absences such as a term-time holiday, School trips etc. will be charged at 50% fees should 4 weeks notice be provided
  • School INSET and Public Holidays are not chargeable
  • 50% fees will be payable during any Reception Year settling in period where the Reception starter is unable to attend a session due to half School days

Full details on the Club’s payment terms and conditions can be found in our Payment Policy

Wraparound Care
Contact Us
For all enquiries, please email: cherrygardenwraparoundcare@cset.co.uk
What We Do

Before School

We love to get the day off to a great start with our early morning Breakfast Club. We are open from 7:30am. and make sure children are dropped off safely to their classrooms. We offer a variety of breakfast options (included in the session charge) along with activities, craft and games.


After School

Our busy and fun-filled Afternoon Club offers a chance for friends to stay and play, do their homework if they wish, relax or burn off some excess energy outside in the playground. We collect children directly from their classrooms and are open until 6pm. An afternoon snack is provided



Our Terms & Conditions

The Club’s biggest priority is the safety of children, and that they feel safe, comfortable and have lots of fun!

This can only be achieved by having clear and succinct policies and procedures in place which staff and parents/ carers alike are aware of and adhere to

CSET reviews policies on an annual basis; unless a direct need to review and amend them occurs outside of this time-frame.

Before agreeing the Club’s terms and conditions through our online registration process, it is really important that this information has been read and understood which are attached here for everyone’s reference.


Book & Pricing

The Club has an online system for parents/ carers to register their details and request the permanent term-time sessions or Holiday Club places at our other Primary Schools

Please click here to begin the registration process

Please note:

  • Annual Registration Fee - £25 for first child, £20 for each sibling
  • Before School Session - £4.50 per child, per session (7:30am to 8:45am)
  • After School Session - £9.75 per child, person (3:15pm to 6pm)
  • Holiday Club - £25 per child, per full day (7:30am - 6pm) and £18 per child, per school day (8:45am to 3:30pm)
  • By completing the registration process, you are bound to accept the rules of the Club and the terms and conditions as set out in our Policies and Procedures
  • Once registered with the Club, permanent sessions and individual Holiday Club places can be requested through the system These are requests only until such time as the Club has been in touch to confirm whether it can be accommodated or not
  • Once permanent places are confirmed, the Club’s four week cancellation period is then in place for any changes or cancellations
  • Sessions will carry over into each new academic year until notice to cancel or amend sessions is received within our notice period
  • One off or ad-hoc session requests can be requested by getting in touch with us directly
  • There is an annual registration fee payable each September (or when first registering with the Club and permanent sessions are confirmed)
  • Fees are payable on a monthly basis with payment being made by bank transfer or childcare vouchers
  • Children’s continued attendance is dependent upon continued payment of fees in line with the Club’s payment terms
  • Sessions not attended remain fully payable
  • Absences such as a term-time holiday, School trips etc. will be charged at 50% fees should 4 weeks notice be provided
  • School INSET and Public Holidays are not chargeable
  • 50% fees will be payable during any Reception Year settling in period where the Reception starter is unable to attend a session due to half School days

Full details on the Club’s payment terms and conditions can be found in our Payment Policy